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Buyers & Sellers FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. A monthly membership fee of £24.95 is payable to use the Zagosa Marketplace for selling your products. This is due on the first day of the billing month.

Most tangible products can be sold on the Zagosa Marketplace as long as these are legal and in-demand product items.

Yes. A commission of 8% on each sale (gross) is charged to the seller’s account and deducted. This is also VAT-inclusive.

Shipping is entirely handled by the seller of the product and their shipping terms, cost, carrier can be viewed on their individual store. Go to our Shipping Information page for more details.

Yes. Returns and Refunds are accepted as long as the conditions for this to be conducted are met. Visit out Returns and Refunds page for more information on this.

We take cases of fraud very seriously and would entertain any complaint about this. Please send us an email with all the details at or call us on +44 3333 39 40 43.

We adhere to the European and global standards of data protection policies and ensure that your information stored on our server and systems is safe. Please visit out Privacy Policy and Data Protection pages for more information.

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